
FFSJ: The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner Version 3.3

How to split a file?

1. Switch to the "Splitting" tab:

 2. Select the source file. There are several ways to select the source file:

- Choose the source file from open dialog
- Drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop to the "Splitting" tab
- Edit source file name directly.
- If you have FFSJ-standard installed, you can right click a file and click "Split" from Shell context menu.
3. Setup parameters according to your preference: change output directory, change number of split parts, change part limit, etc.

4. Click "Split" button, enter your password if you want to encrypt the data, and wait until File Splitter completed the task. You will see the message:

5. Done.

How to join split parts together?

All split parts must have the same name, except for their extensions (.001, .002, .__a, .__b, etc.). Joining split parts is equivalent to restoring original file.
1. Switch to the "Joining" tab:

2. Select the first split part (.001 or .__a file). There are several ways to select the first split part:
- Choose the first part from open dialog
- Drag the first part from Windows Explorer and drop to the "Joining" tab
- Edit the first part name directly
- If you have FFSJ-standard installed, you can right click a split part and click "Join" from Shell context menu.
3. Check the list of split parts from drop-down list.

4. Setup parameters according to your preference: Change output file, specify your split parts are in different locations, etc.
5. Click "Join" button, enter the password if your split parts are password-protected, and wait until File Joiner complete the task. You will see the message:

6. Done.

How to get MD5 signature of a file?

1. Switch to "MD5 Checksum" tab:

2. Select a file to get MD5 signature. There are several ways:
- Choose a file from open dialog
- Drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop to the "MD5 Checksum" tab
- Edit the file name directly
- If you have FFSJ-standard installed, you can right click a file and click "MD5 Checksum" from Shell context menu.
3. Click "Get & Copy" button, and wait until File Checksum complete the task. You will see the message:

4. Done. MD5 signature has been copied to clipboard, you can paste MD5 signature to somewhere and keep this signature with your file.

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